On 28.01.2020 10:13, J. D. Leach wrote:
> To Whom it May Concern,
> Have a Dell Inspiron 3668 desktop with the latest Dell firmware
> (1.12.2). This update, and numerous of the preceding ones, do not
> allow ANY type of loading of Debian (or any othe Linux flavor) onto
> the PC. In the BIOS configuration menu, no option is available to boot
> from the DVD drive, or USB, unless a Windows recovery media is
> detected. Linux loader programs likewise fail, and Windows loads
> instead. PC is about two years old.
> Looked all across the 'Net and have found zero fixes outside of wiping
> the hard drive. The latest Dell support pages regarding the set up of
> the boot sequence does not cover the firmware installed on my PC.
> I suspect Microsoft is back to trying to squelch the use of software
> other than what it approves of.
> Thought you might wish to be aware.
> Dave Leach
On the second thought, there is a mention about installation procedures
of alternative OSs in this document. [1]
So now I think you simply have to make proper UEFI bootable media.
Legacy boot media, prepared like in "the old times", won't cut it for
this PC.


With kindest regards, Alexander.

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