On Tue, 28 Jan 2020 13:13:40 -0500 (EST)
Bob Bernstein <poo...@ruptured-duck.com> wrote:

> Not really whither, but when?
> Is there a um consensus on when bullseye might see the light of
> day? We have this on debian.org:
> "The next release of Debian is codenamed "bullseye" — no release
> date has been set "
> https://www.debian.org/releases/
> Perhaps I could get a line on this from Vegas.
> Any thoughts abroad in debian-land as to this question?
> Wally Ballou signing off,


The release dates in the past are pretty clear from this chart of bugs,
and it's about a two-year cycle. We're looking at another year to
eighteen months until the next release.


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