On 1/30/20 6:17 PM, ghe wrote:
On 1/30/20 1:42 PM, Bob Weber wrote:

That's why I recommended you look into systemd link files.
I looked that up on the 'Net, and it seems pretty reasonable. I looked
around a bit and was told to edit


(MAC addresses are back to hardware again, but easier to handle -- at
least they're the same whenever you look at them. And Debian puts config
files in /etc. Used to, anyway)

There's a line in 99-default.link about <something>=persistent. The web
says that if I change that to 'none' I'll get the old names back.

I did, and I didn't.

Systemd has
the undesired effect of renaming interfaces.  You need to use the MAC
address to indicate which port should be eth0 , etc.
It looks like it'll take a lot more than changing a value in a config
file to have happen what I expect. I think I'll just leave things alone
for the time being. Now I know to expect systemd to break things, and
now I know to write around it. I was completely at a loss when those
numbers just changed for no apparent reason.

Counting Ethernet interfaces isn't rocket science.

Again, thanks list.

That's why I showed in theprevious email a file for eth0 and eth1 matching their MAC address.   The "99-default.link" file is taken out of the works by (symbolic) linking it to /dev/null.  This means whatever was in that file messing up the port names is gone.  The kernel command line option "net.ifnames=0" may or may not be needed ... try without at first.

After a reboot the names should be what you put in the  [Link] section of the files " /etc/systemd/network/10-eth0.link" and "/etc/systemd/network/20-eth0.link" assuming you put in the correct MAC address in the [Match] section.

If the names are are still not correct then there are some examples of a udevadm command like in the "Example 3. Debugging NamePolicy= assignments" near the bottom of the page at "https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.link.html <https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.link.html>"

This nameing configuration has worked on 5 Debian systems all running updated testing.

Note: the /sys/class/net/hub0 mentioned in Example 3 should be replaced by the current port name found in /sys/class/net directory.



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