On 2020-02-08 12:46, Steve McIntyre wrote:
select the "Rescue mode" option from the d-i
boot menu (which is just an easier way to do that!). It will start d-i
as normal, then ask you to identify and mount the root device of the
system you're trying to fix

Use Dell PowerEdge T30.

Insert debian-10.2.0-amd64-xfce-CD-1 USB stick into front top
USB 3.0 port.

Insert buster USB stick into front bottom USB 3.0 port.

Configure Setup for UEFI Secure Boot.  Adjust boot order so that
UEFI: SanDisk is first.

Apply -> Save as Custom User Settings -> Exit

Debian GNU/Linux 10.2.0

Debian GNU/Linux UEFI Installer menu    Advanced options
                                            -> Rescue Mode

Language                                        C
Continent or region                             North America
Country, territory or area                      United States
Keymap to use                           American English
Hostname                                        buster
Domain name                                     tracy.holgerdanske.com
Full name for the new user                      debian
Select your time zone                   Pacific
Passphrase for /dev/sda4                        ********
Device to use as root file system               /dev/mapper/sda4_crypt
Mount separate /boot paritition         Yes
Mount separate /boot/efi paritition             Yes
Rescue operations                               Force GRUB installation to the 
EFI removable media path
                                            -> Yes
Rescue operations                               Reboot the system

Power down at POST.  Remove debian-10.2.0-amd64-xfce-CD-1 USB

Power up.  Press F2 to enter Setup.  Boot sequence starts with
"debian".  Exit.

Boots into Debian GNU/Linux.

Thanks!  :-)


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