From: David Wright <>
    Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2019 00:18:27 -0500
> But your threading has improved after a poor patch earlier this month
> when the magnifying glasses were being pasted inside the links' < >
> again.

Syntax for threading is fairly simple really; but probably not obvious 
to someone new to the list.  After not using it for a year or two I 
forget the details.  I've expanded this section.
If someone can improve further, good.

Given that References includes the In-Reply-To identifier, I'm not 
sure In-Reply-To  is necessary for threading.  Might test one of 
these weeks; at the cost of a little more aggravation to readers.  =8~)

The message archive is public information but if you don't want your 
message cited,  another example can be found.  Anyone can edit.  Or 
notify that you want it changed.

From: David <>
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2019 00:54:19 +1000
> ... the worst effect of community-parasites (trolls, help vampires, 
> etc) is when they trigger conflict amongst the active, contributing, 
> valuable members of the communities that they feed off.

Yes, people tend to follow the easiest path.  Initiative and proactive 
effort are unusual.  Many pages in are undeveloped and 
many have typographical and wiki syntax errors.  A reader has to 
wonder how many others have ignored an easily fixed error or abandoned 
reading rather than spend a few minutes to make an improvement. 
Thousands? Tens of thousands?  That's human nature.  Too little 
tolerance of human nature, can lead to the life of a grouchy old 
                                                              ... P.

Tel: +1 604 670 0140            Bcc: peter at easthope. ca

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