When my last Thinkpad died, I lost my Mint/Xfce. My new Thinkpad, of course, 
comes with Windows 10, and I want to move on to Debian. As a Debian newbie, I'm 
also new to jigdo, but want to use it because it seems the preferred way to 
download (and anyway I want the full Debian experience).

Unfortunately, running jidgo-lite on Windows is a minor pain (because Windows 
no longer provides a context menu option to 
open-command-window-in-this-folder), but even after going through the 
rigamarole to run it, jigdo bails out with error message,

"child 1124(0x1F0) died before initialization with status code 0xC0000142"

Could someone help me interpret and fix that? - or should I just drop jigdo and 
look for a regular download of a live CD?


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