I agree with this deeply. It's surprising the amount of machines I see that have some fancy subscription-based and expensive AV but have the firewalls, SELinux, UAC disabled along with weak filesystem and sharing ACLs.

It's fine to get a good AV running on the system but they don't detect all malware, and I've always run with that being something like 50% of malware being detected.

Good security practices is the best first line of defence, believe me I've seen the evidence when it's not.

On 23/02/2020 12:02, mlnl wrote:
Hi l0f...@tuta.io,

l0f...@tuta.io wrote:

Considering the fact I am human so not perfect at all + other notions
like defense in depth / layered defense... would you recommend having
a Linux anti-malware?
I have used clamav, linux malware detect with 3rd party repos like
sanesecurity just for fun and for some time to see, what you can do
beside commercial products. I had only a few postive, Windows related
matches and a lot of false positives - and think about the 0-day
problem with all anti-malware or the capabilities of state
sponsored cracker groups or CNA/CNE groups inside military/civil
state organizations ;)

I think, it is more important & usefull to audit & harden/secure your
system, kernels (KSPP), services and applications with IDS/IPS (e. g.
Samhain), MACs like AppArmor, systemd-analyze security unit, secured
sudoers file, use of additional 2FA tokens and so on...

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