On Lu, 02 mar 20, 12:11:38, David Wright wrote:
> I think the scope for misinterpretation comes from the language used.
> (Ironic here…) "Please choose which locales to generate" focuses, for
> some reason, on the process of reaching a state, rather than the state
> that's to be reached. This is reinforced by two things,
>   1. giving "497. none of the above"¹ as an option, and
>   2. adding:
>        Generating locales (this might take a while)...
>      as if to say: only generate any new ones you want because
>      this process is a little laborious (as it might have been
>      on a 386).
> Why not use language more like the d-i, along the lines of:
>     "Please select all the locales that are to be made
>      available in future on this system. At least one
>      must be selected."
> and then enforce the last sentence rather than just spitting out
> error messages.¹

Looks good to me. You could send this as a (wishlist) bug report against 
package 'locales'.

Kind regards,

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