Στις 2020-03-03 23:34, Miguel A. Vallejo έγραψε:

Diagnosing one of my several problems with WiFi in Debian I found a
problem this time not related to the WiFi connection itself, but I
don't know how to get the culprit... Anyone can point me in the right

Symptoms: From time to time I lost Internet connection for a period of
about 5 to 30 minutes. It happens at least two or three times a day.

Setup: Desktop computer ( running Debian Buster amd64 with
current kernel 4.19.98-1 connected via WiFi to router / gateway
( Wifi Adapter is MT7612U from Mediatek.

While connection is lost:

- I can launch wavemon and I can confirm the WiFi adapter is still
connected and sending / receiving packets and beacons.

- Arp command shows the gateway HWaddress as incomplete.

- Launching Wireshark in the desktop computer I can see incoming
packets from other devices, but I can also see a "Who has
Tell" ARP requests from my desktop every second. At first
glance it seems the gateway isn't responding to my arp requests,

- I can see arp queries from the gateway to my desktop, and I can see
the responses, but they seem they never reach the gateway.

- Forcing network activity with my smartphone, I can see also arp
requests from the smartphone answered by the desktop, but a ping from
the smartphone to the desktop machine gives no response. Of course the
phone can use internet without any problem using the same gateway.

- If I unplug and replug the WiFi adapter everything works again. If I
left the WiFi adapter plugged, eventually I get an arp response from
the gateway, and everything works normally again. This may take up to
20-30 minutes. Only once the wifi connection crashed after several

It seems that when I lost connectivity I can't sent arp messages but I
can receive them. They are sent, I can see them with Wireshark, but it
seems they will never get outside the machine. I searched for known
bugs but I wasn't able to find anything, only a message from an Ubuntu
user aparently having the same problem, but with a different WiFi
adapter and kernel version (4.18 I think):


The problem is now I don't know how to get the culprit of this bug. Is
the kernel? Is the Mediatek kernel module?

I would check the `dmesg` command output. If there are erros there then
they re coming from the kernel.

Have you made sure that the wifi is not the problem? Before going into
wild software investigation? For example have you tried in a Windows
laptop with the correct device drivers? Because you even might not be
using the correct device drivers!

Any help will be appreciated.

Nektarios Katakis

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