About a couple hours back, I downloaded "debian-live-10.3.0-amd64-gnome.iso
from the Debian site.  I then used Brasero (3.12.2-5) to burn it to a Sony
DVD-R.  In other words, I wanted a Live-DVD of, what I created on a Laptop
through the Net Install method, in the last few days.  The Laptop, which is
a "surprise Success Story" for Buster Debian Gnome is one I've posted about
many times:  Lenovo Ideapad 320.  (None of the crashes or hangs, that I
encountered with, XFCE, for example).

So, to "Share the Wealth", I figured that I would create a Live DVD of
this, up to date Buster system.  Long of short, it wouldn't Boot on an HP
Pavilion Tower (probably a UEFI issue), but it DOES boot the Lenovo Ideapad
that created it.  It takes its time, and eventually comes up with the Gnome
Screen with "Activities" at the top left.

Question 1:  Can you do "Non-Free Firmware on a USB Stick", while this DVD
is booting up?


Kenneth Parker

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