On Jo, 19 mar 20, 15:02:19, Marco Möller wrote:
> > From apt's perspective they are different
> > packages -- each with its own version. "Upgrade" (see apt's
> > man page) *promises* *never* to remove a package. It would
> > have to remove libkpmcore8 to install libkpmcore9.
> I understand.
> I will try to contact the package maintainers and ask them if they couldn't
> provide a package named "libkpmcore" then and using normal version numbers
> for this package as usual for other packages.

Libraries are special and need a sort-of-version in the package name.

As already mentioned, the unusual thing (which causes your issue) is 
that the two are not co-installable. The maintainer may have good 
reasons for this.

Did you look at the changelog?

Kind regards,

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