On Vi, 27 mar 20, 12:42:17, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 11:12:49AM -0500, David Wright wrote:
> > On Fri 27 Mar 2020 at 17:35:19 (+0300), Reco wrote:
> > > I'm not that familiar with the languages to qualify Romanian as a Latin
> > > or a non-Latin language,
> > 
> > I think we can agree that the Romans spoke Latin!
> Err... Romanian is not the language that was spoken in Rome.
> It is, however, considered a "Romance language", meaning it has Latin
> as one of its primary roots.


> That said, I think the actual question was which character set it
> requires.  According to
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanian_alphabet#Digital_typography>,
> it originally used ISO 8859-2.

Unfortunately ISO 8859-2 doesn't properly support Romanian, mostly 
because the responsible entities in Romania didn't bother to come up 
with the necessary specification. Which then required ISO 8859-16...

> Of course, it would probably use UTF-8 on most modern systems.

Indeed. In my opinion there is barely a good reason to use anything else 
now, even for systems that are not meant to be used with any other 
language than English (there are also names of persons and locations to 

Kind regards,

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