On Sat, Mar 28, 2020 at 05:10:07PM +0300, Reco wrote: 
> /proc/meminfo (please *do not soft* it), and the output of slabtop.
> If you're need to understand where all that memory gone - you're in need
> of proper tools.

I have saved the output of slabtop and /proc/meminfo for:
 aboot: Directly after booting and logging into a graphical i3-session
 afirefox: After using an affected Firefox profile
 afill-alloc: After afirefox and running a simple C program that allocates 
              almost all of the total physical memory
 afill-alloc+swaponoff: After afill-alloc and swapoff and swapon.
In all cases only some daemons, X-Server, i3 and one or two terminals were 
htop and free were reporting memory usage as around 450MiB for aboot and 
and around 1,3GiB for afirefox.

I've read the part about meminfo here 
but I'm not experienced enough to tell if anything/what in the meminfo output 
is unusual.
For reference: htop calculates the memory usage from /proc/meminfo like this:
  Cached memory           = Cached + SReclaimable - Shmem
  Non cache/buffer memory = MemTotal - MemFree - (Buffers + 'Cached memory')
  Swap                    = SwapTotal - SwapFree

As they are rather lengthy and there are 4 of them, I attached the output of 
commands to this email. According to the mailing list guidelines  large  
attachments should be avoided, but since they are in total 68K and compressed 
just 8K this should probably be fine.
If the attachment doesn't work I can resend it in the mail body.


Attachment: meminfo+slabtop.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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