On 04/05/2020 01:29 PM, Marco Möller wrote:
Once you have your list of packages in a text file, for each package one line, you could apply the list like this:

     apt install $(< mylist.txt)

Good to know that is known to work.

Consider to first do a simulation run for finding problems in the list:

Consider to use the following flag in order to not draw in a maybe gigantic tail of not really wanted stuff:

That had been my intention for that reason.
A few years ago someone suggested additional methods to install a minimum number of packages. I'll have to search my old emails - possibly on a semi-retired machine.

If you from time to time would like to include some package from the maybe gigantic tail of recommends, then simply add it individually to the list!

I maintain manually the list, which you are about to generate now, and have very good experience starting with the following complete command:
     apt install -s --no-install-recommends $(< mylist.txt)

When installing the basic Debian system from the official media,
you may want to do this in mode "expert install",

That has been my procedure.

and you may want to know that all offered graphical Desktop Environments are full fledged installs coming with many (IMHO too much!) applications,

You're preaching to the choir ;/

while afterwards going for a manual install of the desktop environment outside of the Debian installer will allow you to go for a fine grained "minimal" Desktop Environment installation only coming with the really needed functionality and without the applications. I therefore recommend to have your personally selected packages for the wished Desktop Environment (KDE, Gnome, XFCE, etc.) included in your personal list, and when arriving at the Debian installer's "tasksel" menu do not only deactivate all the listed Desktop Environments, which become offered, but even do deactivate the head entry “Debian desktop environment” itself, otherwise this would install a full featured GNOME desktop although below in the list you have had deactivated GNOME. I usually only select here “standard system utilities” and “print server”, and then have all the needed packages for "my" Desktop Environment in my list.

I've a collection of experimental preseed.cfg files aimed at that.

If following this path, then be aware that for a laptop essential or nice to have tools like wpasupplicant or network-manager (and many more!) will not become automatically installed for you! Setting up your personal list also concerning the Desktop Environment manually will thus require some extended effort. Unfortunately, the Debian installer is only offering to install full fledged Desktop Environments, but not minimal versions of it.

Since I saw a site that would create a custom preseed.cfg in response to a series of questions resembling those the standard installer asks. That site is obsolete as it predates Squeeze IIRC. In any case I would do it in TCL/Tk as a educational coding exercise.

Good luck! Marco.

Thank you.

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