On Lu, 06 apr 20, 18:30:02, kaye n wrote:
> Sorry about that.  I should have tested it first.
> What I'm trying to achieve is to be able to save files and to run
> executable files (like  .sh file) from an NTFS partition of the hard drive,
> as well as from a USB flash drive.
> It seems that in Debian, I can already do that in an NTFS partition of the
> hard drive, can you confirm?
> As for the flash drive, I have to add this line to the /etc/fstab file (so
> I can run .sh files from the flash drive)

Actually you don't, you can just use 'bash myshellscript.sh' instead ;)

If this doesn't work for you (why?) read below.

> *UUID=2E7B-BA02   /media/myflashdrive   vfat
> user,rw,noauto,uid=1000,gid=users,umask=0,dmask=0,fmask=0,users,exec,x-systemd.device-timeout=5s,
> 0    0 *

That line has several issues, e.g. in Debian users are not automatically 
members of the 'users' group.

'uid': use the number shown by running 'id' as your user. It is '1000' 
for the user created during the installation process.

'gid=users' is needed only if you need the flash drive to be accessible 
by more users in which case you must add them manually to that group 
('adduser alice users').

If only you need access use your own gid instead (should be the same as 
your uid).

'dmask'/'fmask' are redundant if you already specify 'umask=0'. Normally 
I would suggest 'dmask=002' and 'fmask=113'. but you need 'fmask=003' or 
similar, so it doesn't make a big difference.

'exec' is only needed because you specify 'users' (do you need it?). See 
'man mount' for what it does.

'x-systemd.device-timeout' is redundant as well due to 'noauto' (systemd 
shouldn't even attempt to mount it).

Kind regards,

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