On 4/6/20 6:44 PM, Anil F Duggirala wrote:
>> I'm assuming it's this one: 
>> https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/#linux
> Thats the one.
>>> Can anyone give a broad idea of what this install script does?
>> Extracts a HUEG tar.bz2 archive full of (presumably) Python and R
>> modules of unknown quality. Why would anyone (short of Windoze user)
>> willingly use this anaconda given the existence of pip and CRAN is
>> beyond me.
>> In Debian we have apt for this, and I kindly suggest you to consider
>> using it instead.
> Thank you Reco. I will use either apt or pip. I am looking to use scipy
> basically, that's all I need, Anaconda comes with bunch of things I
> don't need. I have noticed that modules are a bit outdated in apt
> however, I asked a separate question regarding that.
> I am glad not to be a Windoze user. And now I am also glad you are not
> a Windoze user.
> thank you.

Anaconda/conda/miniconda have very big advantages over what Debian
offers - rootless installation and bigger? variety of applications.
I don't use it myself, but in many places where people don't have admin
privileges on workstations or computing clusters, conda is very useful.
There are many scientific pipelines completely based on conda, just
because conda applications can be installed in home directory or are
simply available without messing up with install from sources.

Regarding Python and R modules of unknown quality. What quality? Debian
doesn't magically make any python module better or safer. Debian just
packages a python module provided by upstream and can possibly provide
some additional patches and support.

There are pros and cons for both apt and conda, but it totally depends
on the use case.

So in general it is totally fine to use anaconda installer.

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