On 2020-04-07, Ihor Antonov <ihor@antonovs.family> wrote:
>> Finally, when all else fails, and if you've read this far,
>> you can just capture the screen contents with ffmpeg's
>> x11grab and record it to an mpg file. The disadvantages are
>> that you capture extraneous screen decorations, and you've got
>> to dedicate the whole screen to watching the video, remembering
>> to increase your blanking timeout too. If you can only record
>> audio through the microphone, you get more extraneous rubbish
>> there too.
> That is one comprehensive write up!
> Thanks David, today I learned something new thanks to you.

Yet in all that detailed thoroughness I believe he neglected to mention
one of the simpler techniques, which is to view the relevant page source
in your browser and search for the link (mp4 is a good fishing string)
to the video (far from infallible, of course, but has worked for me on

Long Wind's hot page source contains such an external link, in fact (but
it has 301 Moved Permanently, and then when Following: it's a 404 Not

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