a desktop environment manages desktop resources.  No, you cannot use a
rodent with all desktop managers either.  Two I'm thinking of in this
category definitely ratpoison and probably stump-wm.

On Sat, 11 Apr 2020, davidson wrote:

> Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2020 00:36:21
> From: davidson <david...@freevolt.org>
> To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Re: Desktop environments
> Resent-Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2020 04:36:40 +0000 (UTC)
> Resent-From: debian-user@lists.debian.org
> On Fri, 10 Apr 2020, mick crane wrote:
> > Well I was thinking is a valid question.
> > What's the deal with these desktop environments ?
> I wonder this too.
> > I thought is like a desktop with pictures so you know where
> > everything is and then you click and start a program that does
> > something
> They're visual metaphors, of uncertain faithfulness, founded on the
> assumption that the user would rather point at pictures like Koko the
> gorilla, instead of learn
>  1. what things really are there to manipulate,
> and
>  2. language(s) with which to manipulate them.
> So it seems to me.
> > and the desktop gets out of the way ?
> If the assumption fails to suit you, or if the metaphors are otherwise
> getting in the way, then you can use just a window manager.
> I like ratpoison:
> ratpoison - keyboard-only window manager
>  ratpoison is a simple window manager with no fancy graphics,
>  no window decorations, and no rodent dependence.
>  It is largely modelled after GNU Screen.
>  .
>  The screen can be split into non-overlapping frames. All
>  windows are kept maximized inside their frames to take
>  full advantage of your precious screen real estate.
>  .
>  All interaction with the window manager is done through
>  keystrokes. ratpoison has a prefix map to minimize
>  key clobbering.
> Homepage: http://www.nongnu.org/ratpoison/


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