On 4/14/20 6:38 AM, Dan Ritter wrote:
Brad Rogers wrote:
On Tue, 14 Apr 2020 08:58:12 -0000 (UTC)
Curt <cu...@free.fr> wrote:

My current Trust Level: Totally Untrustworthy.
Until you've posted, and your initial post(s) have been proved to be
acceptable (IOW, not offensive, off topic, spam.....), yep.

Some Discourse "badges":
All very juvenile, I agree.  One doesn't have to 'play' that game,
There's this general problem: when you place incentives, even
ridiculously meaningless ones, you get behavior that maximizes
those incentives. (Not everybody, not all the time.)
can that "feature" be removed?

So if Discourse badges and points and reputation scores become
an incentive -- imaginary internet points -- people will do the
things that get them the points.


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