On Sat, 18 Apr 2020 at 20:20, Richard Owlett <rowl...@cloud85.net> wrote:
> I can see any *ONE* previous commands by using the up-arrow key.
> But I need to see the *complete* history. F1 is no "Help".
> Obviously its stored in a file. Where?

Reading https://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/088 gives some tips
that might be relevant if some history is missing:
* bash updates its history only on exit (unless history -a is used)
* and it overwrites the existing history file with the new version
* so if a user runs multiple shells, each shell exit will overwrite the existing
history file, the result is that only the last shell to exit will have
its history
preserved, and the history of the others will be lost.

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