And for the record, in the state of Illinois of the USA, there are still
fewer covid-19 deaths than murders in 2018.
Quoting a smart man, s/he who refuses to calculate is doomed.

On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 2:04 AM Alexander V. Makartsev <>

> On 19.04.2020 04:55, Gene Heskett wrote:
> And it isn't even properly coded pgp.  Draw your own conclusions about
> its veracity.
> Cheers, Gene Heskett
> According to news on the Internet these kinds of bait-mail become much
> common these days.
> Every low-life scumbag is now trying to cash-in on Covid-19 theme.
> And this "beggar-mail" is not the worst of them all. These people work so
> hard to develop Covid-19 themed malware and cryptolockers, they register
> multiple Covid-19 themed domains to spread them, they spam emails bundled
> with all sorts of files aiming to exploit computer systems and often hit
> hospitals and healthcare sector.
> And for what? To get some made up currency which is just numbers and worth
> nothing.
> If anything, these people will destroy humanity, not Covid-19.
> As for Covid-19 vaccine, we are getting there. I know that because for
> past month I was running my systems in full power for BOINC project
> Rosetta@Home.
> Every research task is for Covid-19.
> This is what any sane person should do, and not ruin lives of other people
> for faux-currenccy.
> --
> With kindest regards, Alexander.
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