On Du, 19 apr 20, 13:28:57, Ihor Antonov wrote:
> Reporting from Debian Sid, everything is quite stable. I do run ZFS on root 
> and make snapshots prior to big upgrades as a pre-caution, but so far 
> I did not have a reason to revert anything.

It's just a matter of time. Even if Debian does much more automated 
testing now than in the past some serious issues could still slip 

> I was using Archlinux for a long time, and I can say that Sid feels 
> more stable than Archlinux, although software is less fresh. But 
> overall quite usable as a daily driver on my Lenovo X1 Extreme

As far as I know Archlinux is also not a beginners distro (like Mint or 
Ubuntu), so issues that may appear trivial to you can be major 
showstoppers for others.

Kind regards,

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