On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 9:04 AM Dominique Dumont <domi.dum...@free.fr>

> On mercredi 22 avril 2020 08:05:49 CEST Jiangsu Kumquat wrote:
> > When I boot my computer, I get these messages:
> >
> > https://pastebin.com/6m4fa65W
> >
> > Is it a hardware issue or do I need to configure something?
> Looks like a known bug that can be worked around:
> https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=167838
That says to add iommu=soft to the kernel commandline...

I don't know how to do that... I used to know how a long time ago, but
forgot. Can you please point me to some info about that?

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