On Jo, 23 apr 20, 23:42:35, Marco Möller wrote:
> Admittedly, I (by now) never volunteered to report a bug in the
> documentation or even write a patch, because I am afraid to introduce
> another mistake and then becoming bashed by the real experts, or even worse
> my mistakes staying uncovered and unfortunately then doing harm to other
> people searching for help.

For reporting bugs and proposing patches the risk of introducing 
mistakes is too low to matter as the package maintainer will review 
before applying.

Being "bashed" by experts should not happen, regardless of whether your 
contribution is correct or not.

Please report any instances to the service maintainer (listmaster@ for 
lists.debian.org, owner@ for bugs.debian.org, etc.).

> If there would be some expert instance for proof reading my suggestions,
> then I would like to actively participate in improving the documentation.

Please do feel free to edit the FAQ in my signature without asking. I am 
subscribed and will review any contribution (including removal of 
irrelevant content)[1].

Just in case this is not obvious, this applies to anybody, not just 

While I'm by far not an expert I do have enough experience with Debian 
to provide a reasonably good safety net. In case of doubt we can discuss 
major changes here or even ask the experts.

[1] some entries should probably be replaced with pointers to the 
respective canonical documentation.

Kind regards,

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