With the xfce desktop, there's an application that lets you set the desktop

Applications > Settings > Desktop

In the "Background" tab, it lets you set a few items, including a Style,
such as "Scaled", a Color, such as "Horizontal gradient", as well as a
picture that goes in the center of the desktop, with a couple of colors for
the left and right, or top and down, depending on the aspect ratio of the
desktop and the aspect ratio of the picture.

I would like some way to save the settings, because sometimes it's tricky
to get the colors just right.  If i could save the settings, then i could
change the picture and the colors, and then at some time in the future,
revert to just what i had before.

Perhaps it would be possible to take a screenshot and use it, but that is
less desirable because the information is not in any parsed form (so, e.g.,
you could not tweak the panels to the left and right of the image, as they
would be frozen by a screen shot).

I guess i could keep a text file and copy all the settings to it, including
the color names as  6 character strings like D3D5D0.

Is there some better way to save the background info?

TIA for any info!


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