On Tuesday, May 12, 2020 03:29:10 PM Dan Ritter wrote:
> rhkra...@gmail.com wrote:
> > On debian wheezy:
> > 
> > I might have fat fingered something (or not) but the firefox windows have
> > disappeared.  I was about to restart firefox (which would cause me to
> > lose the content on my private firefox window), but I ran a ps command
> > and see that firefox is still running, but I've checked all my desktops
> > and the windows (firefox gui displays) are gone.
> > 
> > Any thoughts on a way to recover them short of killing firefox and
> > restarting it?
> Are you running a window manager which has the concept of
> minimization/iconization? 

I think I found the problem (at least I think so) apparently (I'm guessing 
that I hit <ctrl> q by accident), but the system / firefox was so busy that it 
took something like 15 minutes to shut down.

But, just to answer the question you asked: Well, yes, I think so (I run kde 
4.8.4 -- the "current" version in Wheezy, but if I minimize a window the icon 
(or whatever the right word is) still remains on my tool bar so I can re-
establish the window by clicking on it.

Anyway, I guess it is all good now -- thanks for your help!  (I have restarted 
firefox, and recovered the windows / tabs except for those in the private 
window -- disappointing.

> It might have just suspended showing
> you the windows and be able to bring them back by undoing that.
> -dsr-

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