On Thu, 21 May 2020 15:26:29 -0700
David Christensen <dpchr...@holgerdanske.com> wrote:

> So:
> 1.  4 @ 100 MB partitions in RAID1:
>          100 MB for /boot
> 2.  4 @ 100 GB partitions in RAID6 with LVM:
>           3.8 GB for swap
>           1.5 GB for root
>          15.3 GB for /tmp
>          38.1 GB for /usr
>          77.3 GB for /var
>          54.7 GB for /home
>         (190.7 GB total)
> 3.  3 @ 60 GB and 1 @ 400 GB partitions effectively in JBOD:
>         580 GB for /scratch
> It appears that you have 3 @ 160 GB HDD's and 1 @ 500 GB HDD (?).

Yes, that's right. Stocks of 160GB drives have been practically

Unfortunately your suggestion is unsuitable on grounds of cost - I
can't really spare any money at the present time. However it's an
interesting suggestion and I will work on doing something like that
in the longer term.
Phil Reynolds
mail: phil-deb...@tinsleyviaduct.com
Web: http://phil.tinsleyviaduct.com/

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