Victor Sudakov wrote: 
> A production system, especially a desktop system, tends to accumulate
> unnecessary packages. Users install software for testing, then forget
> about it, or it falls into disuse...
> In FreeBSD, you can always run "pkg delete -a" and return to the
> post-install state (well, almost). This command will remove all the
> third-party packages added to the base system after installation
> (modified files under /usr/local/ will remain).
> What's the procedure for Debian? 

There is no pristine state for Debian. Choices made during
installation affect what the first boot experience looks like.

apt remove  will uninstall a package.

apt purge will uninstall a package and try to remove any
configuration it has left behind.

dpkg -S  will tell you what package a file belongs

apt-cache rdepends  will tell you what other packages depend on
an installed package.

/var/lib/apt/lists/* has package information; if you grep for
Priority: required  you will find packages that *must* be
installed. The ranking is:

 required > important > standard > optional > extra


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