On Du, 07 iun 20, 00:25:30, riveravaldez wrote:
> By other side, I've seen in Arch a different approach: using a JACK
> plugin for ALSA and ad hoc configuration file to make kind of a
> "bridge" that sends I/O audio through JACK. It works fine.[4]
> Is it possible to do something similar in Debian (testing)?
> [4] 
> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/JACK_Audio_Connection_Kit#Playing_nice_with_ALSA

It should work after some "translation" for Debian, e.g. the package 
names in Arch may not correspond 1:1 to Debian's *binary* package names, 
but are likely to correspond to the Debian *source* package names.

An easy way to find out the Debian binary package name is to look at the 
Tracker page:


    Binaries: libasound2-plugins

Hope this helps,

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