People are suing Western Digital for sneaking those SMR disks into their
supply chain.  They're supposed to be red in color if what I read in the
news is correct.

On Mon, 8 Jun 2020, Dan Ritter wrote:

> Date: Mon, 8 Jun 2020 16:33:29
> From: Dan Ritter <>
> To: Matthew Campbell <>
> Cc: Debian User Support <>
> Subject: Re: How long will this take?
> Resent-Date: Mon,  8 Jun 2020 20:33:43 +0000 (UTC)
> Resent-From:
> Matthew Campbell wrote:
> > I bought a new 4 terrabyte hard drive that is connected with a USB cable 
> > using USB2. It took about 32 hours to read every sector on the drive to 
> > look for bad sectors. I started blanking the sectors using /dev/zero last 
> > Friday night. It still isn't done. Is there a way I can find out how much 
> > data a particular process has written to the disk? I'm using Debian 10.4.
> >
> > dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb ibs=4096 count=976754646
> USB2 disks are good for about 25MB/s.
> 4 seconds gets you 100MB.
> 40 seconds gets you 1000MB.
> 4000 * 40 seconds is 160000 seconds, so that's not quite two
> days.
> Is something wrong? Based on current news reports, I would say
> you accidentally purchased an SMR disk. (By accidentally, I mean
> that the box didn't say, the ad didn't say, and the manufacturer
> might even have lied to you for a while.)
> Is it one of those?
> If so, return it. Tell the store that it's an unlabelled SMR
> drive. They'll take it back.
> -dsr-


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