On Sat 13 Jun 2020 at 16:05:17 (+0200), l0f...@tuta.io wrote:
> 13 juin 2020 à 14:21 de a...@strugglers.net:
> > The mbox mail archive format is a single file containing all
> > messages concatenated together. Separate messages are recognised by
> > a line that starts:
> >
> > >From > y...@example.com>  ...
> >
> > As you can imagine if a message body contained such text it might
> > prematurely end the emails and then the next email would be of an
> > invalid format.
> >
> > As a result a lot of (mostly older) mail software escapes mail body
> > lines that begin with "From" by putting a ">" in front, sometimes
> > even when not in the context of archiving into an mbox. This is most
> > likely what happened here. The use of ">" for this is just a very
> > common convention.
> >
> Thanks, I was not aware of this.
> However, this extra ">" should have been deleted upon viewing the email, no?

How would the viewer's email client know whether the > in
>From had been added by some such scheme as above and should
be removed, or was a genuine occurrence in the original email?

> If I'm right, escaping "From" with a leading ">" is just for mailing software 
> internals (mbox), the reverse process is applied when displaying the final 
> message...


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