
First of all, please don't ask me why I simply don't want to use aws or gcp.

Then, I want to build a small data center for my company for hosting a web
app and a mail server. It's the first time I'm going to buy some hardware
for this. I tried looking for it on the web in order to compare them but it
seems that hardware vendors never want to talk about Debian on their

Seriously, I prefer using my money for donating to the Debian foundation
than having to pay for Ubuntu or Red Hat Enterprise because I love Debian
and ...

So, I want to know if It's a good idea to try using Debian in an enterprise
context, with hardwares like Dell EMC PowerEdge or Lenovo ThinkCenter which
seems to never mention that they support Debian. What kind of issues can I
encounter with such hardwares except simple cases like having to install
missing drivers with some already available firmwares.

Can you give me some alternative hardwares in case this idea may take me to
much time to solve ?

Note: I will need some RAID solution hard or soft.

Sorry if my English is bad, it's not my mother language.

Thank you.

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