On Fri, Jul 3, 2020 at 1:49 PM Jude DaShiell <jdash...@panix.com> wrote:

> Debian with xfce or mate or cinnamon may install and run well.  I don't
> recommend gnome.


Funny story:  A few years ago, I installed a Text-only Minimal Ubuntu
system and then made one of the worst single commands in my career:
"apt-get install gnome".  What made it so bad was that, based on the
sequence of previous commands, the fact that it was Ubuntu, and my Install
Options, I ended up with Gnome Files for every Locale in the World!  It
took a while to clean this up!

> On Fri, 3 Jul 2020, Davide Lombardo wrote:
> > Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2020 13:17:33
> > From: Davide Lombardo <carel...@live.it>
> > To: Debian-user List Debian <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
> > Subject: Very old hardware...
> >
> > Good evening Debian User, I have found an old PC with these specs:
> > CPU: Pentium III 700 Mhz;
> > DRAM: 64 MB SDDR
> > HARDISK: 10 GB
> > MODEM 56K
> > In the receipt is written 3,000 Lire (1,500) Euro of today...
> > Do you think I can install something different than the already installed
> > WIN98 system ?

Brings back memories.  That was the last one I could bring up, in command
mode, with the command "win" bringing up the Windows Infrastructure.  I
tried to do that with Windows ME and was never successful.

Suggestion:  Don't throw anything away:  I think there are YouTube Videos,
about running Linux on Floppy Disks.

Kenneth Parker

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