
On Sat, Jul 04, 2020 at 09:20:11AM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Does anyone know how to relate a noaa call sign into an ip address?

There is no relationship between a NOAA callsign and IP address
and I don't know why you would assume there would be. It is
vanishingly unlikely that it is even the same organisation running
the weather server that was assigned that callsign. It's most liekly
some volunteer effort that just named themselves that. But in any
case unless whatever your gkrellm is talking to have published their
IP address, you aren't going to be able to just look it up.

> I use the gkrellm weather pluggin to get me an uptodate weather report 
> from the nearby airports call sign, but this has to be translated to an 
> ipv4 address somehow, and I may have inadvertently blocked it with an 
> iptables rule in my war against the robots that were burning up my 
> upload bandwidth.

Firewalling is probably not your issue, since most people allow
outbound traffic and allow inbound ESTABLISHED/RELATED traffic.
gkrellm is going to be making an outbound connection to some weather
server and then getting a response. If you haven't messed with
outbound firewalling and you have allowed ESTABLISHED/RELATED
inbound then it should work regardless.

But if you *have* also firewalled those things then it could be your
firewall. In that case why not read your logs as you force gkrellm
to make a request, and see what is blocked?

I don't have any experience with gkrellm so I don't know how or if
you can force it to make a request immediately. If not then maybe
you have to look back through your logs. But do first check that you
have actually firewalled that, as otherwise this is a waste of time.


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