On 07/04/2020 07:38 AM, n...@dismail.de wrote:
On Sat, Jul 04, 2020 at 06:53:56 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
I'm using Debian10 with the MATE desktop.
The Debian installer defaults to installing a mess of applications I rarely
want. They end up with entries on MATE's Applications sub-menus.

Without deleting the offending applications from the system, how can I
delete those menu entries and replace them with links to suitable

MATE has graphical editor for this. If not already installed, the package
is named "mozo" as is the tool itself.

How would one discover that? I've silently been grumbling about the problem since Debian first had MATE as a default option.

When today's web search turned up nothing I was both frustrated enough and in enough need to post.

Otherwise you could try to edit the relevant .desktop files manually.

Where are they? How would I even know they existed?
I installed "mozo" and the "go to system, preferences, look and feel, main menu" to which Peter Ehlert referred magically appeared.

There is still a problem with MATE's internal help(sick;) for mozo.
It tells how to deactivate a selection. It says *NOTHING* about what happens when clicking on Preferences->Look and Feel->Main Menu followed by the title of the sub-menu you wish to modify and then clicking "+New Item".

What happens is a form titled "Create Launcher" appears.
Having added various apps to task bar &/or desktop I've dealt with that before.
*HOWEVER* Murphy rules supreme ;/
On multiple tries that form was *BEHIND* other displayed items.

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