> >> >> https://bugs.debian.org/931785
Which says "security suite renamed to bullseye-security (from buster/updates)". On Sun, Jul 05, 2020 at 05:44:44PM -0400, songbird wrote: > >> wishlist for an alias to testing so nobody who=20 > >> follows testing will need to keep changing their > >> sources.list every time there is a release. > > > > What more than the 'testing' alias are you looking for? > > the one i should use... If you are running "eternal testing" (you never convert it to a stable release), then you HAVE NO security support. None. There is no line you should use for security, because there isn't any security. (Many years ago, someone created a "security for testing" repository, and for a little while, it was used, but now it just sits there idle and devoid of packages. So, while *technically* there is a testing security repository, it's not really *useful* and it would be a waste of time and bandwidth to add it to your sources.) The announcement in question (#931785) is for what the security repository will be called when bullseye is *stable* and receives security support. People who track bullseye at this time in its lifespan (while it is in testing) may add the security line in anticipation of it becoming useful once bullseye becomes stable. Eternal-testing users should only use the one line that points to the testing repository (two lines if you want deb-src as well).