On 7/6/20 5:28 PM, Gary Dale wrote:
This is a wish-list feature but I'm running Debian/Bullseye and the only version of Firefox is the ESR one. It's stable but it has display bugs that I'd like to if they are fixed in a newer version.

While generally the pages I create look pretty much the same on whatever browser I use, I have one where firefox_esr seems to reverse two columns (bootstrap 4 col class within a row class). Chromium gets the columns in the right order but has a different idea of vertical spacing than firefox_esr when looking through a small-device filter - plus it crashes within a minute of starting (I don't mind that because Chromium is just a pop-up generator anyway).

Strangely, the version of Chrome on my antique smartphone seems to agree with firefox_esr, as does the version of Firefox for Android that I'm using.

An updated (non-ESR) version of Firefox would allow me to figure out which spacing is the more accurate. I expect outside of the Debian world, most people are not using the ESR release and most are probably more current than what I'm using.

Anyway, just putting it out there that a non-ESR version might be nice...

Firefox 78 is in unstable.  I run testing but I occasionally pick up things in unstable if they don't mess up testing like firefox.  I have used it for a while mainly watching Netflix and for other sites that don't like Chrome beta (banking mostly).



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