On 7/7/20 9:02 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
On Tuesday 07 July 2020 11:32:04 David Wright wrote:

On Tue 07 Jul 2020 at 10:06:08 (-0400), rhkra...@gmail.com wrote:
On Tuesday, July 07, 2020 09:57:54 AM Greg Wooledge wrote:
If you are the kind of person who MUST HAVE THE LATEST THING, then
Debian is not meant for you.
Wow, not sure what sparked that response,
Probably the fact that there have been a lot of postings about testing
recently, which seem to think testing is whatever they want it to be.
For example, the thread on testing's imaginary "security policy".

but I will say one thing, you might
run testing if your bank insists you have the latest thing
Yeh, right. Use the suite that's lacking a security policy to carry
out all your financial transactions. ?

I'd tend to look at it like this: If the banks IT people think its a big
enough risk to use the old version, and demands the new one even before
the paint is dry, then it must be pretty serious and the distros should
turn up the heat to get it out into the users hands asap. Not sit on it
till the next release a year hence as seems to happen now, using the
excuse that it is a new feature and that has to wait for the next
chapter of the release cycle.
I had that conversation with the IT goofball for my bank (credit union) last Monday and Tuesday when they "updated" their crapware and blocked me.

it was far from painless but a couple links to the security statements in the Debian Wiki was enough to get a complete backpedal and endorse Debian Stable with Firefox-ESR.
Please don't use them as a barometer.

Unfortunately, the public is now so used to some so-called expert crying
wolf when its a mongrel puppy, that they've gone to the dark side and
are no longer making that noise in hopes the black hats will be slowed
in exploiting the newly found vulnerability. So we are left in the
dark. 'scuse me?

So we the users, are damned if we do, and damned if we don't.

Cheers, Gene Heskett

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