On Tue 07 Jul 2020 at 17:55:34 (-0400), Borden Rhodes wrote:
> >> It would help if you said which version of Debian you're using.
> >
> >And which boot parameter.
> Debian Bullseye. I want to add pci=nomsi to the boot parameters to
> troubleshoot a USB 3 issue.
> https://wiki.debian.org/Grub#Configuring_GRUB_v2 says that
> /etc/default/grub ought to exist, if it doesn't should the wiki be
> updated?

The obvious way in which to lack /etc/default/grub is either by
. deleting the file, intentionally or otherwise, or
. avoiding installing Grub with the Debian installer.

Some people do the latter deliberately, to avoid interfering with a
preexisting MBR. However, you can still install the Grub packages by
only cancelling when the d-i asks for which disk to use. (I suppose to
be safe, one should insert a USB stick so that Grub has to make a choice.)

The actual package which creates /etc/default/grub in the d-i is
one of grub-pc and the packages it conflicts with, viz:
grub (<< 0.97-54), grub-coreboot, grub-efi-amd64, grub-efi-ia32, grub-ieee1275, 
grub-legacy, grub-xen
To find out which, either look at   dpkg -l   or type
$ grep -B2 'Creating config file /etc/def' /var/log/installer/syslog
if you're a member of group adm.

The file originates in grub2-common as /usr/share/grub/default/grub
but can be altered in grub-< … >'s postinst script.

Of course, some of the above might be different on an upgraded system,
which you can see mentioned in that script.


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