
On Thu, Jul 09, 2020 at 06:54:05AM -0400, Albretch Mueller wrote:
> but when I try to mount the device:
> _DEV_CR_CRYPTO=$(cryptsetup status "${_CR_CRYPTO}" | head -n 1 | awk
> '{print $1}')
>  date; time mount --verbose "${_DEV_CR_CRYPTO}" "${_MED_MNT}" -r
> fi
> I am getting:
> mount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'
> what is it exactly I am not getting right?

You're trying to mount lvm2 physical volume which is never going to
work - it's not a filesystem.
What you should mount is a logical volume, i.e. that devices that
lvdisplay shows you.


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