Andrei POPESCU writes:

On Lu, 13 iul 20, 15:31:10, kaye n wrote:
> Hello Friends,
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't see any calculator app in my Debian
> os.
> What do you guys use? I'm having trouble with Galculator.

qalc, the command line version of qalculate.

qalc and speedcrunch look nice, thanks for sharing :)

I use maxima (Debian package maxima) most of the time. It is easy enough to
get started although I always fail to remember the syntax for more advanced

Here is a sample session (I actually have `alias maxima=maxima -q`):

$ maxima -q

(%i1) a: 2;
(%o1)                                  2
(%i2) a**10;
(%o2)                                1024
(%i3) sqrt(%o2);
(%o3)                                 32
(%i4) sqrt(2);
(%o4)                               sqrt(2)
(%i5) %o4, numer;
(%o5)                          1.414213562373095

It is possible to write scripts and batch-process them which allows
integrating maxima with other (text-based) tools. There are also GUI
frontends, but I did not find them a large improvement over the commandline
for Maxima. I even made a script to auto-replace Maxima variables in LaTeX
files, but it is not available online yet.

For spreadsheets and on low-end computers where maxima does not run quickly,
I prefer `sc-im` which is unfortunately not in Debian:

In case anybody wants an unofficial Debian package, I hacked one together



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