On Du, 19 iul 20, 12:47:45, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Did that Andrei, updated apt-get, apt-get now gives a reason. Depends on 
> 2 more packages, but adding them to the apt-get install line gets this:

If APT can't find a solution adding more packages to the install line 
won't help.
> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
>  libalien-wxwidgets-perl : Depends: libwxgtk3.0-dev (< 3.0.3~) but 
> 3.0.4+dfsg-4~bpo9+1 is to be installed
>                            Depends: libwxgtk-media3.0-dev (< 3.0.3~) but 
> 3.0.4+dfsg-4~bpo9+1 is to be installed
> E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
> I'm about out of patience for the day. I have been screwing with this 
> since about 5AM, and its now 12:45 local.  And I am damned tired of 
> apt-gets inability to name the package thats breaking it.

Considering how your sources.list looked like there's a non-zero 
probability your system is in an inconsistent state due to packages from 
stretch-backports that shouldn't be there.

The easiest way to find all installed packages from backports is to run

    aptitude search '?narrow(?installed,?archive(backports))'

Yes, I know you wrote you don't trust 'aptitude', this is just a search :)

Kind regards,

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