On 2020-07-26 03:06, mick crane wrote:

On Sat, 25 Jul 2020 14:55:35 -0700 David Christensen wrote:

It's been a while, but Linux-Apache-MySQL-Perl worked for me back in
the day:

I'm not very good at this and wondered how to do it and thought could have things in a hash of hashes. As you tend to stick with a limited variety of recipes wouldn't be that extensive for personal use. After sorting out input.

my %food=(
"ham sandwich"=>{
cal=> .4,
"cauliflower cheese"=>{
cal=> .8,
my $calories= $food{$ARGV[0]}{cal}*$ARGV[1];

and add it to a weekly and daily totals file.

Perl data structures and algorithms can work when needs are few, simple, and fixed. The UI is command-line options and arguments to the Perl script. Data is stored in CSV or TSV files, and accessed with a library. Reports are generated with a PDF library. The key is that everything must fit into memory at once.

As complexity, change, and/or size increase, a database management system and SQL become necessary.


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