Yes, the Harbour project.

On Mon, Jul 27, 2020, 9:57 PM Nicholas Geovanis <>

> There used to be an open-sourced version of Clipper, wasn't there? That
> was the dBase 3 compiler from a 3rd party. Did that go extinct?
> On Mon, Jul 27, 2020, 8:59 PM <> wrote:
>> Somebody wrote:
>> > But... isn't the tool the least of your problems?  The big one being,
>> > where are you going to get your nutritional database. (Seems to me that
>> > most of what Weight Watchers and Noom do is collect data on millions of
>> > products.)
>> From my records in my free format database (which would not be suitable
>> for
>> your program (at least not in its present condition), some notes on
>> available
>> databases.
>> From "USDA databases" Thu Sep 08 06:57:41 2016
>> Date: 09/08/16 06:57 am
>> Subject: USDA databases
>> There is documentation available to explain how the databases are
>> organized,
>> what they contain, etc.  Several different formats are available (ASCII
>> text,
>> Access, etc.) Statistical information (e.g., standard deviation) is
>> available
>> for some data.
>>    * [[][USDA
>> National
>> Nutrient Database for Standard Reference: Release 28]]
>>    *
>> [[
>> ]
>> [Composition of Foods: Raw, Processed, Prepared; USDA National Nutrient
>> Database for Standard Reference, Release 28 (2015); Documentation and
>> User
>> Guide]]
>>    * [[
>> Branded Food Products Database; Documentation; May 2016]]--an
>> experimental
>> public / private partnership, dissolved in 2015 (iirc) after developing
>> data
>> for 354 products, incorporated as an adjunct (iiuc) to the USDA database
>> SR28
>>    * [[][SR27 -
>> Download
>> Files]]
>> And, from some documentation on CRON-O-Meter (which is a program like
>> you're
>> describing, available in an online version and a Linux version:
>> <quote>
>> The foods in our database come from several sources.
>>    * NCCDB (Nutrition Coordinating Center Food & Nutrient Database) from
>> the
>> University of Minnesota, contains over 16000 food entries with
>> comprehensive
>> data on 70 nutrients.
>>    * USDA (SR28) (United States Department of Agriculture National
>> Nutrient
>> Database for Standard Reference (SR28)) contains over 8000 food entries
>> with
>> data on over 70 nutrients.
>>    * ESHA (ESHA Research, Inc.) contains over 35000 brand name products
>> and
>> restaurant menu items. These items don't typically have as full of a
>> nutrient
>> profile as the USDA and NCCDB items, but contain all the published
>> information
>> from the product nutrition labels--I don't know how many nutrients--may
>> vary.
>>    * ???? Nutritionix: barcode scanning database, contains data for over
>> 400,000 food product nutrition labels--I don't know how many
>> nutrients--may
>> vary. Nutritionix API
>>    * CNF 2010 (Canadian Nutrient File)
>>     This data has a lot of overlap with the USDA data (many entries are
>> derived it), but adds a lot of additional foods, as well as reflecting
>> differences found in Canadian foods. It has french and english names for
>> all
>> items, as well as standard measures in metric units--I don't know how
>> many
>> nutrients--may vary.
>>    * IFCDB (Irish Food Composition Database) contains nearly 1000 irish
>> food
>> and supplement products--I don't know how many nutrients--may vary.
>>    * CRDB (CRON-O-Meter Community Database) foods submitted by
>> CRON-O-Meter
>> users (they show green in the food search dialog)--I don't know how many
>> nutrients--may vary.
>>    * Custom
>>     These are your custom foods. These are private and can only be viewed
>> and
>> used by you, or any friends you have linked to for
>> food-sharing--nutrients
>> included may vary based on where I got the data (I mean, like from which
>> of
>> the databases listed below.
>> </quote>
>> One of my points is that data / databases are available.
>> I'm also willing to share with you my file on my experiences with this
>> type of
>> program.  NUT is available for LInux, but it was really freaky -- for
>> example,
>> you had to specify how many meals per day you intended to eat (for this
>> example, assume 6, 3 meals, 3 between meal snacks, and then when you
>> entered
>> the first meal it multiplied all the nutritional values by 6.  I forget
>> what it
>> did as you entered the other meals.
>> CRON-O-Meter was much better, but not really good enough to suit me.
>> I experimented with possibly as many as 10 such programs that I could run
>> without touching Windows.  One of them (I forget which) tracked something
>> like
>> 60 different nutrients, things like micrograms and such of minerals,
>> vitamins,
>> ...
>> If you're really interested, I can make my file with my notes in it
>> available
>> to you.
>> You can treat it as a plain text file, or read it as emails in any email
>> client
>> that can handle mbox files, or, with a special file I can provide, read
>> it in
>> kate with the   features I intended it to have (syntax highlighting and
>> folding).

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