On Ma, 28 iul 20, 17:32:55, Mart van de Wege wrote:
> Hi,
> Since the past month or so, systemd leaves systemd-user-runtime-dir
> processes in an uninterruptible state, apparently after cleaning up
> after a user sessions exits; I'm running XFCE4 with Lightdm, and thus I
> get at least a hanging process trying to stop
> user-runtime-dir@117.service, but they also appear after scheduled
> cleanups for the 'news' user.

What package / software is using uid 117 (it's not in the default 
> Consequently, my system load increases every day after reboot.
> I tried googling, but unfortunately the terms I can come up with only
> give generic information. How can I find out why these processes keep
> hanging?

Which processes would that be?

Kind regards,

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