On Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 11:21:54AM +0200, Benedikt Tuchen wrote:
> Hello,
> I got some strange behavior with my PATH variable and maybe somebody
> here can help me with this.
> When I use no display manager like lightdm, I start i3 via startx in
> the console. If I do this dmenu and rofi are using my personal $PATH
> variable. For example it includes "$HOME/.local/bin". But when I
> use a display manager, dmenu and rofi do no longer have my personal
> $PATH entries. How can I change this behavior?
> I've tried to find a solution for this but didn't found one. Maybe
> someone here know exactly what to do.

The short (but sometimes inaccurate) answer: ~/.xsession --  this is
(very roughly) the X Session equivalent to your ~/.profile and its

The longer answer: man Xsession (5). Depending on whether you use a
desktop environment (and on how badly it has brutalised your X setup),
you'll have to find out what is missing where.

Look around /etc/X11/Xsession.options and /etc/X11/Xsession.d/* --
there is the machinery which decides whether and how to load your
personal X session stuff in ~/.xsession.

Sigh. It /used/ to be simple.

-- t

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