On Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 03:50:54PM +0100, Brad Rogers wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Jul 2020 17:08:19 +0300
> Anssi Saari <a...@sci.fi> wrote:
> Hello Anssi,
> >Since Windows 7 it's possible to tell Windows that RTC is UTC. IMO,
> >setting RTC to UTC time is the right thing to do, messing around with
> Good to know(1).  O/P doesn't state which version of Windows they're
> using, so I'll make no further assumptions.
> >Debian settings to accommodate Windows is not.
> I agree, but what with Microsoft and Windows being (almost) ubiquitous,


If you have been paying attention, you'd know why /in this case/ an UTC
clock makes just a lot of sense.

BTW, many moons ago (as of Windows 3.1, go figure), I was part of a
programming shop. Our boxes had dual boot, Linux and Windows.

To avoid all that stupid problems: among them files "magically"
changing their time stamp at each DST transition -- yes, really!
imagine the fun with Makefiles -- we set Windows to a time zone
on the Greenwich meridian and with no DST. I think it was Liberia
or something. We lived with Windows displaying a funny time.

But hey. Industry standard.

-- t

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