On Fri, 31 Jul 2020 18:00:03 +0300
Reco <recovery...@enotuniq.net> wrote:

Hello Reco,

>I agree. But it's a valid part of a e-mail body, and any MUA that
>mishandles that is broken in this regard.

I can read everything fine.  Nothing gets trashed, but things that one
expects to happen (non quoting of text after a valid sig separator)
because Tomas has DELIBERATELY, broken his, don't occur.  When asked to
correct the problem, Tomas' answer boiled down to "No".

The Wanderer couched his response to that far more politely than I would
have done.

Since Tomas refuses to play nice, I've dealt with the issue in my own

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
Watching the people get lairy
I Predict A Riot - Kaiser Chiefs

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