On Friday, July 31, 2020 10:03:07 PM riveravaldez wrote:
> Is this possible?
> Hi, to clarify: I would like to connect to a remote home-machine
> (dynamic IP) through SSH session but without using a third-party
> server (free or paid), just with software running in both machines.

That is pretty much the way ssh works -- to connect and communicate between 
two machines with ssh, you put ssh software in each machine -- it just happens 
that the software is slightly different, and one machine (and its software) 
acts as a server and the other machine acts as a client.

In my home LAN, I use static IPs (ipv4) on each machine, so to do things on 
the server from the client, I first login starting with a  command like:

From a CLI on the client:

ssh <username on server>@<ip of the server>


ssh riveravaldez@

I'm then prompted for the password of the user account on the server.

You can set up ssh for passwordless use.

If you don't have static IPs on your LAN, you have to get the IP by some means 
which in any case, can include a domain name form, e.g., mylan.home

> Tox and Jami protocols seem to be able to stablish a quick p2p
> connection in a decentralized fashion (without the need of a central
> server) and I understand that this means that both protocols allow
> each client to find the other one, that is, to know their present IPs
> at all time, no matter how dynamic they are. Is this correct?
> If so, would be possible to use a similar mechanism to obtain at any
> moment the counterpart's IP and then make a SSH login using such
> information?
> If there's any other simpler way (that doesn't imply the use of any
> third party) please let me know, I could use anything that works.
> Thanks a lot!

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