If you have or have had RSI, you probably know the need to find better ways to 

If you have an ortholinear keyboard, or and in particular an ErgoDox of some 
flavour, you might like to check out what is being billed as "the fastest 
keyboard layout in the world":


   (it has a short-ish JavaScript "Play layout tour" button @ bottom left)


May your typing be pain free, and for those who have never had RSI, may your 
typing be the fastest it can be :)

----- Forwarded message from Zenaan Harkness <z...@freedbms.net> -----
From: Zenaan Harkness <z...@freedbms.net>
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2020 20:30:09 +1000
Subject: Qwerty to _ ?  - Colemak, Workman, Maltron and more ...]

Hi Scott, if you ever get RSI or simply want a better keyboard, you might want 
to check out the ErgoDox-EZ Glow - it's expensive, as you're basically buying 2 
keyboards (one each for the left and right hands, and the AUD - USD exchange 
rate is atrocious for us) - but after nearly 2 months of use, I cannot 
recommend it enough.

In case it's of any interest to you, the layout I am using is linked below.

Best regards,

----- Forwarded message from Zenaan Harkness <z...@freedbms.net> -----

From: Zenaan Harkness <z...@freedbms.net>
To: CypherPunks <cypherpu...@lists.cpunks.org>
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2020 14:01:17 +1000
Subject: Qwerty to _ ?  - Colemak, Workman, Maltron and more ...
List-Id: The Cypherpunks Mailing List <cypherpunks.lists.cpunks.org>

So those who've ever (or still) experience RSI, know that a keyboard layout 
which reduces RSI is A Good Thing™©®.

Physicaa (shape) as well as logical (char mapping) "layouts" are issues for 
those in need.

The primary physical ergonomic layout is the concave Maltron which begat the 
similar Kinesis.

Eventually the FLOSS ErgoDox appeared, and though a planar (flat) keyboard, it 

 - ortholinear - huge win

 - split, another huge win - custom per-hand split width and orientation

 - ultra customizable layouts courtesy the QMK firmware

There are many ErgoDox incarnations, one of which is the ErgoDox-EZ.

The Maltron logical layout, despite being one of the statistically "best" (most 
ergonomic, heat map, finger travel reduction etc) and around since the 70's, 
does not seem to exist in the ErgoDox community.

Here's logic: if you're going to bother (or need to) learn a new keyboard 
layout, why not cut to the chase and learn the best?  Why bother learning more 
than one beyond Qwerty?

In any case, here's one hopeful Soul's journey:


Click "Play layout tour" near the bottom left if you have JavaScript - the Oryx 
tour feature makes for a very nice visual experience, so recommended - use the 
LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to go forwards and backwards through the (relatively 
short) layout tour.

There's also some non-JavaScript screenies over here:


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